Degree Works Degree Audit
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Every degree offered at Southern has institutional requirements for residency, senior hours, University Core Curriculum (UCC) and grade point average as well as those requirements needed to satisfy the academic program, or major. Degree Works degree audit helps you to stay informed about your academic progress.
Degree Works is the application that provides a complete degree audit for students and advisors to check progress toward an academic goal (degree) against the program requirements. Program requirements that appear in the undergraduate catalog along with course definitions are used to guide the degree audit function as it applies to the individual student. You can run a Degree Works degree audit against your academic record from SalukiNet.
The office of Articulation & Evaluation is responsible for maintaining Degree Works through the maintenance of the master course file and program requirements provided by the academic unit and institutional requirements as defined by the Board of Trustees and Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE).
Through Degree Works, students and academic advisors will be able to:
- Determine academic requirements needed to fulfill for degree completion
- Identify courses needed to complete their degree included prerequisites or co-requisites
- View individual course grades, cumulative GPA and major GPA
- View transfer credit hours earned
- Determine courses taken or transferred, and how courses may count toward degree or elective credit
- View how coursework could be applied toward another major, minor or concentration using the "What If" option
- Plan course registration for future semesters
- Estimate the number of semesters remaining for degree completion
- Create What-If audits to process speculative degree audits based on current class history
- Check their “Notes’ for special statements, critical courses to be taken in a specific semester, or to view academic progress
- Check the status or their application for degree