International Baccalaureate Credit
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The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization is a comprehensive and challenging course of study for students. The Diploma Program (DP) is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16 to 19 age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage students to be knowledgeable and inquiring, but also caring and compassionate.
The Standard Level (SL) courses represent 150 teaching hours and the Higher Level (HL) courses represent a recommended 240 teaching hours. Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the full Diploma Program or who have elected to take fewer than six subjects are awarded a certificate for the examinations completed. Subjects at HL are studied in greater depth and breadth than at SL.
SIU awards proficiency credit to students, who have passed the Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) exams with a minimum score of 4 and in some cases a 6 or 7, as indicated in the following chart. Upon receipt of test scores, the appropriate number of credit hours will be entered on the student’s record. If test scores for new freshmen are received after orientation/registration, the student will need to work with their academic advisor to ensure duplicate courses are not taken.
Transfer students who have IB credit transcripted as college courses from their previous institution will receive that course credit at SIU as transfer credit.
The maximum credit granted through IB examinations is thirty hours (fifteen for an associate degree). It is nonresident credit, does not carry a grade, and is not used in computing the student’s grade point average. The thirty-hour limit includes any college level proficiency credit that has been earned. The credit to be granted at SIUC is determined by the appropriate academic department.
For more information, please see the International Baccalaureate Organization’s website.
IB Transcripts may be ordered from the following address:
ATTN: Transcript Officer, International Baccalaureate
American Global Centre
7501 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 200 West
Bethesda, MD 20814
The transcript scores should be sent to:
Articulation & Evaluation
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Student Services Building 0251, Mailcode 4725
1263 Lincoln Drive
Carbondale, IL 62901
SIU Carbondale IB Code: 001663
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program Equivalency Credit
Test Name - Level | Score | Credit Granted |
Language A: Literature - SL | 4-5 | HUM2 1XX-3 |
Language A: Literature - SL | 6-7 | ENGL 121-3 |
Language A: Literature - HL | 4-7 | ENGL 121-3 + HUM2 1XX-3 |
Language A: Language & Literature - SL | 4-7 | ENGL 101-3 |
Language A: Language & Literature - HL | 4-7 | ENGL 101-3 + HUM2 1XX-3 |
Literature and Performance - SL | 4-7 | THEA 101-3 |
Test Name - Level | Score | Credit Granted |
Language ab initio - SL | 4-5 | SPAN 140A/GER 101A-3 |
Language ab initio - SL | 6-7 | SPAN 140B/GER 101B-3 |
Language B - SL | 4 | SPAN 140B/GER 101B-3 |
Language B - SL | 5-7 | SPAN 201A/GER 201A/FR 201A-3 |
Language B - HL | 4 | SPAN 201A/GER 201A/FR 201A-3 |
Language B - HL | 5-7 | SPAN 201A/GER 201A/FR 201A-3 + HUM2 2XX-3 |
Test Name - Level | Score | Credit Granted |
Business Management - SL | 4-7 | MKTG 304-3 |
Business Management - HL | 4-7 | MKTG 304-3 + MKTG 336-3 |
Economics - SL | 4-7 | ECON 113-3 |
Economics - HL | 4 | ECON 113-3 |
Economics - HL | 5-7 | ECON 240-3 + ECON 241-3 |
Digital Society - SL | 4-5 | GENL 1XX-3 |
Digital Society - SL | 6-7 | GENL 1XX-3 |
Digital Society - HL | 4-5 | GENL 1XX-3 |
Digital Society - HL | 6-7 | GENL 1XX-3 |
Geography - SL | 4-7 | GEOG 103-3 |
Geography - HL | 4-7 | GEOG 103-3 |
Global Politics - SL | 4-7 | POLS 250-3 |
Global Politics - HL | 4-7 | POLS 250-3 |
History - SL | 4-7 | HIST 101A-3 |
History - HL | 4-7 | HIST 101A-3 + HIST 101B-3 |
Philosophy - SL | 4-7 | PHIL 102-3 |
Philosophy - HL | 4 | PHIL 102-3 |
Philosophy - HL | 5-7 | PHIL 102-3 + HUM 1XX-3 |
Psychology - SL | 4-7 | PSYC 102-3 |
Psychology - HL | 4-7 | PSYC 102-3 + PSYC 2XX-3 |
Social/Cultural Anthropology - SL | 4-7 | ANTH 104-3 |
Social/Cultural Anthropology - HL | 4-7 | ANTH 104-3 |
World Religions - SL | 4-7 | HIST 202-3 |
Test Name - Level | Score | Credit Granted |
Biology - SL | 4-5 | SC2 1XX-3 |
Biology - SL | 6-7 | PLB 115-3 |
Biology - HL | 4-5 | PLB 115-3 |
Biology - HL | 6-7 | BIOL 211-4 + BIOL 212-4 |
Computer Science - SL | 4-7 | CS 105-3 |
Computer Science - HL | 4-5 | CS 200B-3 |
Computer Science - HL | 6-7 | CS 200B-3 + CS 202-4 |
Chemistry - SL | 4-5 | CHEM 106-3 |
Chemistry - SL | 6-7 | CHEM 200-3 + 201-1 |
Chemistry - HL | 4-5 | CHEM 200-3 + 201-1 |
Chemistry - HL | 6-7 | CHEM 200-3 + 201-1 + 210-3 + 211-1 |
Design Technology - SL | 4-7 | IMAE 208-3 |
Design Technology - HL | 4-7 | IMAE 208-3 + IMAE 2XX-3 |
Physics - SL | 4-5 | PHYS 101-3 |
Physics - SL | 6-7 | PHYS 203A-3 + 253A-1 |
Physics - HL | 4-5 | PHYS 203A-3 + 253A-1 |
Physics - HL | 6-7 | PHYS 203A-3 + 253A-1 + 203B-3 + 253B-1 |
Sports, Exercise & Health Science - SL | 4-7 | HLTH 1XX-2 |
Sports, Exercise & Health Science - HL | 4-7 | HLTH 1XX-2 |
Environmental Systems & Societies - SL | 4-7 | GEOG 100-3 |
Test Name - Level | Score | Credit Granted |
Math: Analysis and Approaches - SL | 4-5 | MATH 108-3 |
Math: Analysis and Approaches - SL | 6-7 | MATH 111-4 |
Math: Analysis and Approaches - HL | 4 | MATH 111-4 |
Math: Analysis and Approaches - HL | 5-7 | MATH 111-4 + MATH 150-4 |
Math: Applications and Interpretation - SL | 4-5 | MATH 108-3 |
Math: Applications and Interpretation - SL | 6-7 | MATH 111-4 |
Math: Applications and Interpretation - HL | 4 | MATH 111-4 |
Math: Applications and Interpretation - HL | 5-7 | MATH 111-4 + MATH 150-4 |
Test Name - Level | Score | Credit Granted |
Dance - SL | 4-7 | FA 1XX-3 |
Dance - HL | 4-7 | FA 1XX-3 |
Music - SL | 4-7 | MUS 103-3 |
Music - HL | 4-7 | MUS 103-3 + MUS 1XX-3 |
Film - SL | 4-7 | CIN 101-3 |
Film - HL | 4-7 | CIN 101-3 + CIN 1XX-3 |
Theatre - SL | 4-7 | THEA 101-3 |
Theatre - HL | 4-7 | THEA 101-3 + THEA 1XX-3 |
Visual Arts - SL | 4-7 | AD 101-3 |
Visual Arts - HL | 4-7 | AD 101-3 + HUM1 1XX-3 |